Often what you have on your person is all you have to deal with an emergency. If you find yourself separated from your full first aid kit, this pocket-sized first aid kit contains the emergency supplies you need to start administering care right away.
Swiftwater Skills and Professionalism
Safety and preparedness provide confidence in a guide, and a confident guide is a successful guide. This is why it is important for guides to be swift water or river rescue certified, so that they can learn to manage a scenario on their own as well as with a team, analyzing the situation from a variety of perspectives and gaining hands-on experience of crucial skills.
Why Every River Guide Needs Swiftwater Rescue
Rafting is meant to be challenging, exhilarating, and immensely rewarding, especially on such a day when your time on the water is uncomplicated. But, as any guide or outdoor enthusiast can attest, the realities of the river tend to be much more complex than simply having a good day or a bad day, and can wholly depend on how prepared the guide is to adapt to the circumstances that unfold.
Featured Podcast
This is an interesting podcast about those people who are on scene at the time of an incident. They may be trained professionals on a day off or guides who are on scene when an accident occurs.
Featured Podcast episode
Guide or Rescuer this applies to all of us
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten in this sport was to “be a proud, humble badass.” The example I thought of was Bruce Lee who once said said, “Knowledge gives you power, but character, respect.” What we do is dangerous and difficult and requires a tremendous amount of respect. We must always strive to further our knowledge so that we have the power to lay down stomping lines. But we must have the strength of character to know our limits and respect the dangers of dancing with the awesome physical forces of nature.
Drywear gear care
Now is a good time of year to take care of and repair any of your gear but especially your expensive dry gear. Latex gaskets do not do well without a little love and 303. NRS has published some great guidelines for drywear gear care we wanted to share:
The Rescue Blog
We are excited to be launching a new blog. We hope to feature lessons learned, current rescue incidents as well as articles that provoke thinking about rescues. We teach a wide group of practitioners including River Guides, Government Employees, Scientists, Search and Rescue, Fire and EMS, Industry workers as well as many others seeking technical rescue instruction. Because of the range...