Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder & CPR

hands-on training for a wilderness medical response

We all need to know what to do when something goes wrong; whether it is in a remote river canyon, Forest Service Road or far in the backcountry. Our WFA, WFR and CPR courses are focused on giving you hands-on skills and knowledge so that you can make educated decisions and know what to do when confronted with an emergency or illness in the backcountry. Come learn in a realistic environment that is supportive, educational and fun!

The focus of these courses is on basic life support techniques, medical issues, and environmental issues that arise in the wilderness. The class is teaches hands-on skills with the use of scenarios and labs. We have shifted all our medical course registration to our Wild Med company: Wounded Bear Medicine. You can discover more about the courses and available courses on that website.

Students completing the course will receive applicable course and CPR certification through Wilderness Medical Associates.